Computer Graphics Engine
Namespace List
Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 NrangesContains helpers for working with ranges and views.
 CAppThe base class for an application.
 CAppBuilderCreates a new builder for an App.
 CAppVersionContains the version of an App.
 CBuilderDescribes an generic builder type.
 CBuilder< TDerived, T, std::nullptr_t, typename TPointer >Describes a root builder.
 CIBackendThe base class for an app backend.
 CImplementBase class for an implementation of a public interface class.
 CIResourceProvides access to a resource managed by the class.
 CPimplPtrA smart pointer that manages an implementation instance for a public interface class.
 CResourceImplements the IResource interface.