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Computer Graphics Engine
▼NLiteFX | |
►NGraphics | |
CVertex | |
►NLogging | |
►CConsoleSink | |
CConsoleSinkImpl | |
CISink | |
►CLog | |
CLogImpl | |
CLogger | |
►CRollingFileSink | |
CRollingFileSinkImpl | |
►NMath | |
CRect | |
CRectF | |
CRectI | |
CSize2d | |
CSize3d | |
CSize4d | |
CVector | |
CVector1f | |
CVector1u | |
CVector2f | |
CVector2i | |
CVector2u | |
CVector3f | |
CVector3i | |
CVector3u | |
CVector4f | |
CVector4i | |
CVector4u | |
►Nranges | Contains helpers for working with ranges and views. |
Cto_container | |
►NRendering | |
►NBackends | |
CD3D12MADeleter | |
►CDirectX12Backend | Implements the DirectX 12 RenderBackend. |
CDirectX12BackendImpl | |
►CDirectX12Barrier | Implements a DirectX 12 resource barrier. |
CDirectX12BarrierImpl | |
►CDirectX12Buffer | Implements a DirectX 12 IBuffer. |
CDirectX12BufferImpl | |
►CDirectX12CommandBuffer | Records commands for a DirectX12CommandQueue |
CDirectX12CommandBufferImpl | |
►CDirectX12ComputePipeline | Implements a DirectX 12 ComputePipeline. |
CDirectX12ComputePipelineImpl | |
►CDirectX12DescriptorLayout | Implements a DirectX 12 IDescriptorLayout |
CDirectX12DescriptorLayoutImpl | |
►CDirectX12DescriptorSet | Implements a DirectX 12 DescriptorSet. |
CDirectX12DescriptorSetImpl | |
►CDirectX12DescriptorSetLayout | Implements a DirectX 12 DescriptorSetLayout. |
CDirectX12DescriptorSetLayoutImpl | |
►CDirectX12Device | Implements a DirectX 12 graphics device. |
CDirectX12DeviceImpl | |
►CDirectX12FrameBuffer | Implements a DirectX 12 frame buffer. |
CDirectX12FrameBufferImpl | |
►CDirectX12GraphicsAdapter | Implements a DirectX12 IGraphicsAdapter. |
CDirectX12GraphicsAdapterImpl | |
►CDirectX12GraphicsFactory | A graphics factory that produces objects for a DirectX12Device. |
CDirectX12GraphicsFactoryImpl | |
►CDirectX12Image | Implements a DirectX12 IImage. |
CDirectX12ImageImpl | |
►CDirectX12IndexBuffer | Implements a DirectX 12 IIndexBuffer. |
CDirectX12IndexBufferImpl | |
►CDirectX12IndexBufferLayout | Implements a DirectX 12 index buffer layout. |
CDirectX12IndexBufferLayoutImpl | |
►CDirectX12InputAssembler | Implements the DirectX 12 input assembler state. |
CDirectX12InputAssemblerImpl | |
►CDirectX12InputAttachmentMapping | Implements a IInputAttachmentMapping. |
CDirectX12InputAttachmentMappingImpl | |
►CDirectX12PipelineLayout | Implements a DirectX 12 PipelineLayout. |
CDirectX12PipelineLayoutImpl | |
CDirectX12PipelineState | Defines the base class for DirectX 12 pipeline state objects. |
►CDirectX12PushConstantsLayout | Implements the DirectX 12 PushConstantsLayout. |
CDirectX12PushConstantsLayoutImpl | |
►CDirectX12PushConstantsRange | Implements the DirectX 12 IPushConstantsRange. |
CDirectX12PushConstantsRangeImpl | |
►CDirectX12Queue | Implements a DirectX 12 command queue. |
CDirectX12QueueImpl | |
CDirectX12Rasterizer | Implements a DirectX 12 IRasterizer. |
►CDirectX12RenderPass | Implements a DirectX 12 render pass. |
CDirectX12RenderPassImpl | |
►CDirectX12RenderPipeline | Implements a DirectX 12 RenderPipeline. |
CDirectX12RenderPipelineImpl | |
►CDirectX12Sampler | Implements a DirectX 12 ISampler. |
CDirectX12SamplerImpl | |
►CDirectX12ShaderModule | Implements a DirectX 12 IShaderModule. |
CDirectX12ShaderModuleImpl | |
►CDirectX12ShaderProgram | Implements a DirectX 12 ShaderProgram. |
CDirectX12ShaderProgramImpl | |
CDirectX12Surface | Implements a DirectX12 ISurface. |
►CDirectX12SwapChain | Implements a DirectX 12 swap chain. |
CDirectX12SwapChainImpl | |
►CDirectX12VertexBuffer | Implements a DirectX 12 IVertexBuffer. |
CDirectX12VertexBufferImpl | |
►CDirectX12VertexBufferLayout | Implements a DirectX 12 vertex buffer layout. |
CDirectX12VertexBufferLayoutImpl | |
CIDirectX12Buffer | Represents the base interface for a DirectX 12 buffer implementation. |
CIDirectX12Image | Represents a DirectX 12 sampled image or the base interface for a texture. |
CIDirectX12IndexBuffer | Represents a DirectX 12 index buffer. |
CIDirectX12Sampler | Represents a DirectX 12 sampler. |
CIDirectX12VertexBuffer | Represents a DirectX 12 vertex buffer. |
CIVulkanBuffer | Represents the base interface for a Vulkan buffer implementation. |
CIVulkanImage | Represents a Vulkan sampled image or the base interface for a texture. |
CIVulkanIndexBuffer | Represents a Vulkan index buffer. |
CIVulkanSampler | Represents a Vulkan sampler. |
CIVulkanVertexBuffer | Represents a Vulkan vertex buffer. |
►CVulkanBackend | Defines a rendering backend that creates a Vulkan device. |
CVulkanBackendImpl | |
►CVulkanBarrier | Implements a Vulkan resource barrier. |
CVulkanBarrierImpl | |
►CVulkanBuffer | Implements a Vulkan IBuffer. |
CVulkanBufferImpl | |
►CVulkanCommandBuffer | Records commands for a VulkanCommandQueue |
CVulkanCommandBufferImpl | |
►CVulkanComputePipeline | Implements a Vulkan ComputePipeline. |
CVulkanComputePipelineImpl | |
►CVulkanDescriptorLayout | Implements a Vulkan IDescriptorLayout |
CVulkanDescriptorLayoutImpl | |
►CVulkanDescriptorSet | Implements a Vulkan DescriptorSet. |
CVulkanDescriptorSetImpl | |
►CVulkanDescriptorSetLayout | Implements a Vulkan DescriptorSetLayout. |
CVulkanDescriptorSetLayoutImpl | |
►CVulkanDevice | Implements a Vulkan graphics device. |
CVulkanDeviceImpl | |
►CVulkanFrameBuffer | Implements a Vulkan frame buffer. |
CVulkanFrameBufferImpl | |
►CVulkanGraphicsAdapter | Represents a Vulkan IGraphicsAdapter. |
CVulkanGraphicsAdapterImpl | |
►CVulkanGraphicsFactory | A graphics factory that produces objects for a VulkanDevice. |
CVulkanGraphicsFactoryImpl | |
►CVulkanImage | Implements a Vulkan IImage. |
CVulkanImageImpl | |
►CVulkanIndexBuffer | Implements a Vulkan IIndexBuffer. |
CVulkanIndexBufferImpl | |
►CVulkanIndexBufferLayout | Implements a Vulkan index buffer layout. |
CVulkanIndexBufferLayoutImpl | |
►CVulkanInputAssembler | Implements the Vulkan input assembler state. |
CVulkanInputAssemblerImpl | |
►CVulkanInputAttachmentMapping | Implements a IInputAttachmentMapping. |
CVulkanInputAttachmentMappingImpl | |
►CVulkanPipelineLayout | Implements a Vulkan PipelineLayout. |
CVulkanPipelineLayoutImpl | |
CVulkanPipelineState | Defines the base class for Vulkan pipeline state objects. |
►CVulkanPushConstantsLayout | Implements the Vulkan PushConstantsLayout. |
CVulkanPushConstantsLayoutImpl | |
►CVulkanPushConstantsRange | Implements the Vulkan IPushConstantsRange. |
CVulkanPushConstantsRangeImpl | |
►CVulkanQueue | Implements a Vulkan command queue. |
CVulkanQueueImpl | |
CVulkanRasterizer | Implements a Vulkan IRasterizer. |
►CVulkanRenderPass | Implements a Vulkan render pass. |
CVulkanRenderPassImpl | |
►CVulkanRenderPipeline | Implements a Vulkan RenderPipeline. |
CVulkanRenderPipelineImpl | |
►CVulkanSampler | Implements a Vulkan ISampler. |
CVulkanSamplerImpl | |
►CVulkanShaderModule | Implements a Vulkan IShaderModule. |
CVulkanShaderModuleImpl | |
►CVulkanShaderProgram | Implements a Vulkan ShaderProgram. |
CVulkanShaderProgramImpl | |
►CVulkanSurface | Represents a Vulkan ISurface. |
CVulkanSurfaceImpl | |
►CVulkanSwapChain | Implements a Vulkan swap chain. |
CVulkanSwapChainImpl | |
►CVulkanVertexBuffer | Implements a Vulkan IVertexBuffer. |
CVulkanVertexBufferImpl | |
►CVulkanVertexBufferLayout | Implements a Vulkan vertex buffer layout. |
CVulkanVertexBufferLayoutImpl | |
CBarrier | A barrier that transitions a set of resources backed by IDeviceMemory into different ResourceState. |
►CBufferAttribute | Stores meta data about a buffer attribute, i.e. a member or field of a descriptor or buffer. |
CBufferAttributeImpl | |
CCommandBuffer | Represents a command buffer, that buffers commands that should be submitted to a CommandQueue. |
CCommandQueue | Represents a command queue. |
CComputePipeline | Represents a compute Pipeline. |
►CDepthStencilState | Stores the depth/stencil state of a see IRasterizer. |
CDepthBias | Describes the rasterizer depth bias. |
CDepthState | Describes the rasterizer depth state. |
CDepthStencilStateImpl | |
CStencilState | Describes the rasterizer stencil state. |
CStencilTest | Describes a stencil test for either front or back faces. |
CDescriptorSet | Defines a set of descriptors. |
CDescriptorSetLayout | Describes the layout of a descriptor set. |
►CDeviceState | A class that can be used to manage the state of a IGraphicsDevice. |
CDeviceStateImpl | |
CFrameBuffer | Stores the images for the output attachments for a back buffer of a RenderPass, as well as a CommandBuffer instance, that records draw commands. |
CGraphicsDevice | Represents the graphics device that a rendering back-end is doing work on. |
CGraphicsFactory | Describes a factory that creates objects for a GraphicsDevice. |
CIBarrier | The interface for a memory barrier. |
CIBuffer | Base interface for buffer objects. |
CIBufferLayout | Describes a buffer layout. |
CICommandBuffer | The interface for a command buffer. |
CICommandQueue | The interface for a command queue. |
CIComputePipeline | The interface for a compute pipeline. |
CIDescriptorLayout | Describes a the layout of a single descriptor within a DescriptorSet. |
CIDescriptorSet | The interface for a descriptor set. |
CIDescriptorSetLayout | The interface for a descriptor set layout. |
CIDeviceMemory | Describes a chunk of device memory. |
CIFrameBuffer | The interface for a frame buffer. |
CIGraphicsAdapter | Represents a physical graphics adapter. |
CIGraphicsDevice | The interface for a graphics device that. |
CIGraphicsFactory | The interface for a graphics factory. |
CIImage | Describes a generic image. |
CIIndexBuffer | The interface for an index buffer. |
CIIndexBufferLayout | Describes a index buffer layout. |
CIInputAssembler | The interface for an input assembler state. |
CIInputAttachmentMapping | Represents a mapping between a set of IRenderTarget instances and the input attachments of a RenderPass. |
CIInputAttachmentMappingSource | Represents the source for an input attachment mapping. |
CIMappable | Allows for data to be mapped into the object. |
CIndexBuffer | Describes an index buffer. |
CInputAssembler | Represents a the input assembler state of a RenderPipeline. |
CIPipeline | The interface for a pipeline. |
CIPipelineLayout | The interface for a pipeline layout. |
CIPushConstantsLayout | The interface for a push constants layout. |
CIPushConstantsRange | Describes a range within a IPushConstantsLayout. |
CIRasterizer | Represents the rasterizer state of a RenderPipeline. |
CIRenderBackend | The interface to access a render backend. |
CIRenderPass | The interface for a render pass. |
CIRenderPipeline | The interface for a render pipeline. |
►CIRenderTarget | Represents a render target, i.e. an abstract view of the output of an RenderPass |
CBlendState | Describes the blend state of the render target. |
CISampler | Describes a texture sampler. |
CIScissor | The interface of a scissor. |
CIShaderModule | Represents a single shader module, i.e. a part of a IShaderProgram. |
CIShaderProgram | The interface for a shader program. |
CIStateResource | The interface for a state resource. |
CISurface | Represents a surface to render to. |
CISwapChain | Interface for a swap chain. |
CIVertexBuffer | The interface for a vertex buffer. |
CIVertexBufferLayout | Describes a vertex buffer layout. |
CIViewport | Interface for a viewport. |
CPipeline | Represents a pipeline state. |
CPipelineLayout | Represents a the layout of a RenderPipeline or a ComputePipeline. |
CPushConstantsLayout | Describes the layout of the pipelines push constant ranges. |
►CRasterizer | Implements a IRasterizer. |
CRasterizerImpl | |
CRenderBackend | Defines a back-end, that provides a device instance for a certain surface and graphics adapter. |
CRenderPass | Represents a render pass. |
CRenderPipeline | Represents a graphics Pipeline. |
►CRenderTarget | Implements a render target. |
CRenderTargetImpl | |
►CScissor | Implements a scissor. |
CScissorImpl | |
CShaderProgram | Represents a shader program, consisting of multiple IShaderModules. |
►CStateResource | Base class for a resource that can be identified by a name string within a DeviceState. |
CStateResourceImpl | |
CSwapChain | Represents a swap chain, i.e. a chain of multiple IImage instances, that can be presented to a ISurface. |
CVertexBuffer | Describes a vertex buffer. |
►CViewport | Implements a viewport. |
CViewportImpl | |
►Nrtti | |
Chas_builder_t | Trait that is evaluated, if a class does not have an builder member type defined. |
Chas_builder_t< T, std::void_t< typename T::builder > > | Trait that is evaluated, if a class does have an builder member type defined. |
Cis_explicitly_constructible_t | |
Cis_implicitly_constructible_t | |
►CApp | The base class for an application. |
CAppImpl | |
CAppBuilder | Creates a new builder for an App. |
►CAppVersion | Contains the version of an App. |
CAppVersionImpl | |
CBuilder | Describes an generic builder type. |
CBuilder< TDerived, T, std::nullptr_t, typename TPointer > | Describes a root builder. |
CExceptionBase | |
CIBackend | The base class for an app backend. |
CImplement | Base class for an implementation of a public interface class. |
CIResource | Provides access to a resource managed by the class. |
CPimplPtr | A smart pointer that manages an implementation instance for a public interface class. |
CResource | Implements the IResource interface. |
CCameraBuffer | |
CDrawData | |
CFileExtensions | |
▼Cfmt | |
Cformatter< LiteFX::AppVersion > | |
CGlfwWindowDeleter | |
CInstanceBuffer | |
CLightBuffer | |
CObjectBuffer | |
CSampleApp | |
CTransformBuffer |