Computer Graphics Engine
LiteFX::Rendering::ICommandBuffer Class Referenceabstract

The interface for a command buffer. More...

#include <rendering_api.hpp>

Inherited by LiteFX::Rendering::CommandBuffer< IDirectX12Buffer, IDirectX12VertexBuffer, IDirectX12IndexBuffer, IDirectX12Image, DirectX12Barrier, DirectX12PipelineState >, LiteFX::Rendering::CommandBuffer< IVulkanBuffer, IVulkanVertexBuffer, IVulkanIndexBuffer, IVulkanImage, VulkanBarrier, VulkanPipelineState >, and LiteFX::Rendering::CommandBuffer< TBuffer, TVertexBuffer, TIndexBuffer, TImage, TBarrier, TPipeline >.

Public Member Functions

virtual ~ICommandBuffer () noexcept=default
virtual void begin () const =0
 Sets the command buffer into recording state, so that it can receive command that should be submitted to the parent CommandQueue. More...
virtual void end () const =0
 Ends recording commands on the command buffer. More...
void barrier (const IBarrier &barrier, const bool &invert=false) const noexcept
 Executes the transitions that have been added to barrier . More...
void generateMipMaps (IImage &image) noexcept
 Uses the image at level 0 to generate mip-maps for the remaining levels. More...
void transfer (const IBuffer &source, const IBuffer &target, const UInt32 &sourceElement=0, const UInt32 &targetElement=0, const UInt32 &elements=1) const
 Performs a buffer-to-buffer transfer from source to target . More...
void transfer (const IBuffer &source, const IImage &target, const UInt32 &sourceElement=0, const UInt32 &firstSubresource=0, const UInt32 &elements=1) const
 Performs a buffer-to-image transfer from source to target . More...
void transfer (const IImage &source, const IImage &target, const UInt32 &sourceSubresource=0, const UInt32 &targetSubresource=0, const UInt32 &subresources=1) const
 Performs an image-to-image transfer from source to target . More...
void transfer (const IImage &source, const IBuffer &target, const UInt32 &firstSubresource=0, const UInt32 &targetElement=0, const UInt32 &subresources=1) const
 Performs an image-to-buffer transfer from source to target . More...
void use (const IPipeline &pipeline) const noexcept
 Sets the active pipeline state. More...
void bind (const IDescriptorSet &descriptorSet, const IPipeline &pipeline) const noexcept
 Binds the provided descriptor set to the provided pipeline. More...
void bind (const IVertexBuffer &buffer) const noexcept
 Binds a vertex buffer to the pipeline. More...
void bind (const IIndexBuffer &buffer) const noexcept
 Binds a index buffer to the pipeline. More...
virtual void dispatch (const Vector3u &threadCount) const noexcept=0
 Executes a compute shader. More...
virtual void draw (const UInt32 &vertices, const UInt32 &instances=1, const UInt32 &firstVertex=0, const UInt32 &firstInstance=0) const noexcept=0
 Draws a number of vertices from the currently bound vertex buffer. More...
virtual void drawIndexed (const UInt32 &indices, const UInt32 &instances=1, const UInt32 &firstIndex=0, const Int32 &vertexOffset=0, const UInt32 &firstInstance=0) const noexcept=0
 Draws the currently bound vertex buffer with a set of indices from the currently bound index buffer. More...
void pushConstants (const IPushConstantsLayout &layout, const void *const memory) const noexcept
 Pushes a block of memory into the push constants backing memory. More...
void draw (const IVertexBuffer &vertexBuffer, const UInt32 &instances=1, const UInt32 &firstVertex=0, const UInt32 &firstInstance=0) const
 Draws all vertices from the vertex buffer provided in vertexBuffer . More...
void drawIndexed (const IIndexBuffer &indexBuffer, const UInt32 &instances=1, const UInt32 &firstIndex=0, const Int32 &vertexOffset=0, const UInt32 &firstInstance=0) const
 Draws the currently bound vertex buffer using the index buffer provided in indexBuffer . More...
void drawIndexed (const IVertexBuffer &vertexBuffer, const IIndexBuffer &indexBuffer, const UInt32 &instances=1, const UInt32 &firstIndex=0, const Int32 &vertexOffset=0, const UInt32 &firstInstance=0) const
 Draws the vertex buffer provided by vertexBuffer using the index buffer, provided by indexBuffer . More...

Detailed Description

The interface for a command buffer.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ~ICommandBuffer()

virtual LiteFX::Rendering::ICommandBuffer::~ICommandBuffer ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ barrier()

void LiteFX::Rendering::ICommandBuffer::barrier ( const IBarrier barrier,
const bool &  invert = false 
) const

Executes the transitions that have been added to barrier .

Calling this method will also update the resource states of each resource within the barrier. However, the actual state of the resource does not change until the barrier is executed on the command queue. Keep this in mind when inserting multiple barriers from different threads or in different command buffers, which may not be executed in order. You might have to manually synchronize barrier execution.

barrierThe barrier containing the transitions to perform.
invertIf set to true, the barrier will perform a transition back to the original resource states.

◆ begin()

virtual void LiteFX::Rendering::ICommandBuffer::begin ( ) const
pure virtual

Sets the command buffer into recording state, so that it can receive command that should be submitted to the parent CommandQueue.

Note that you have to wait for a command buffer to be executed on the parent CommandQueue before you can begin recording on it again.

RuntimeExceptionThrown, if the command buffer is already recording.
See also

Implemented in LiteFX::Rendering::Backends::DirectX12CommandBuffer, and LiteFX::Rendering::Backends::VulkanCommandBuffer.

◆ bind() [1/3]

void LiteFX::Rendering::ICommandBuffer::bind ( const IDescriptorSet descriptorSet,
const IPipeline pipeline 
) const

Binds the provided descriptor set to the provided pipeline.

descriptorSetThe descriptor set to bind.
pipelineThe pipeline to bind the descriptor set to.

◆ bind() [2/3]

void LiteFX::Rendering::ICommandBuffer::bind ( const IIndexBuffer buffer) const

Binds a index buffer to the pipeline.

After binding the index buffer, the next call to drawIndexed will read from it, until another index buffer is bound.

bufferThe index buffer to bind to the pipeline.
See also
IndexBuffer, drawIndexed

◆ bind() [3/3]

void LiteFX::Rendering::ICommandBuffer::bind ( const IVertexBuffer buffer) const

Binds a vertex buffer to the pipeline.

After binding the vertex buffer, the next call to draw or drawIndexed will read from it, until another vertex buffer is bound.

bufferThe vertex buffer to bind to the pipeline.
See also
VertexBuffer, draw, drawIndexed

◆ dispatch()

virtual void LiteFX::Rendering::ICommandBuffer::dispatch ( const Vector3u threadCount) const
pure virtualnoexcept

Executes a compute shader.

threadCountThe number of thread groups per axis.

Implemented in LiteFX::Rendering::Backends::DirectX12CommandBuffer, and LiteFX::Rendering::Backends::VulkanCommandBuffer.

◆ draw() [1/2]

void LiteFX::Rendering::ICommandBuffer::draw ( const IVertexBuffer vertexBuffer,
const UInt32 instances = 1,
const UInt32 firstVertex = 0,
const UInt32 firstInstance = 0 
) const

Draws all vertices from the vertex buffer provided in vertexBuffer .

This helper method binds the vertex buffer and issues a draw command for all vertices.

vertexBufferThe vertex buffer to draw from.
instancesThe number of instances to draw.
firstVertexThe index of the first vertex to start drawing from.
firstInstanceThe index of the first instance to draw.

◆ draw() [2/2]

virtual void LiteFX::Rendering::ICommandBuffer::draw ( const UInt32 vertices,
const UInt32 instances = 1,
const UInt32 firstVertex = 0,
const UInt32 firstInstance = 0 
) const
pure virtualnoexcept

Draws a number of vertices from the currently bound vertex buffer.

verticesThe number of vertices to draw.
instancesThe number of instances to draw.
firstVertexThe index of the first vertex to start drawing from.
firstInstanceThe index of the first instance to draw.

Implemented in LiteFX::Rendering::Backends::DirectX12CommandBuffer, and LiteFX::Rendering::Backends::VulkanCommandBuffer.

◆ drawIndexed() [1/3]

void LiteFX::Rendering::ICommandBuffer::drawIndexed ( const IIndexBuffer indexBuffer,
const UInt32 instances = 1,
const UInt32 firstIndex = 0,
const Int32 vertexOffset = 0,
const UInt32 firstInstance = 0 
) const

Draws the currently bound vertex buffer using the index buffer provided in indexBuffer .

This helper method binds the index buffer and issues a draw command for all indices.

indexBufferThe index buffer to draw with.
instancesThe number of instances to draw.
firstIndexThe index of the first element of the index buffer to start drawing from.
vertexOffsetThe offset added to each index to find the corresponding vertex.
firstInstanceThe index of the first instance to draw.

◆ drawIndexed() [2/3]

void LiteFX::Rendering::ICommandBuffer::drawIndexed ( const IVertexBuffer vertexBuffer,
const IIndexBuffer indexBuffer,
const UInt32 instances = 1,
const UInt32 firstIndex = 0,
const Int32 vertexOffset = 0,
const UInt32 firstInstance = 0 
) const

Draws the vertex buffer provided by vertexBuffer using the index buffer, provided by indexBuffer .

This helper method binds the provided vertex and index buffers and issues a draw command for all indices.

vertexBufferThe vertex buffer to draw from.
indexBufferThe index buffer to draw with.
instancesThe number of instances to draw.
firstIndexThe index of the first element of the index buffer to start drawing from.
vertexOffsetThe offset added to each index to find the corresponding vertex.
firstInstanceThe index of the first instance to draw.

◆ drawIndexed() [3/3]

virtual void LiteFX::Rendering::ICommandBuffer::drawIndexed ( const UInt32 indices,
const UInt32 instances = 1,
const UInt32 firstIndex = 0,
const Int32 vertexOffset = 0,
const UInt32 firstInstance = 0 
) const
pure virtualnoexcept

Draws the currently bound vertex buffer with a set of indices from the currently bound index buffer.

indicesThe number of indices to draw.
instancesThe number of instances to draw.
firstIndexThe index of the first element of the index buffer to start drawing from.
vertexOffsetThe offset added to each index to find the corresponding vertex.
firstInstanceThe index of the first instance to draw.

Implemented in LiteFX::Rendering::Backends::DirectX12CommandBuffer, and LiteFX::Rendering::Backends::VulkanCommandBuffer.

◆ end()

virtual void LiteFX::Rendering::ICommandBuffer::end ( ) const
pure virtual

Ends recording commands on the command buffer.

It is valid to call this method multiple times. If a command buffer is already closed, nothing will happen.

See also

Implemented in LiteFX::Rendering::Backends::DirectX12CommandBuffer, and LiteFX::Rendering::Backends::VulkanCommandBuffer.

◆ generateMipMaps()

void LiteFX::Rendering::ICommandBuffer::generateMipMaps ( IImage image)

Uses the image at level 0 to generate mip-maps for the remaining levels.

It is strongly advised, not to generate mip maps at runtime. Instead, prefer using a format that supports pre-computed mip maps. If you have to, prefer computing mip maps in a pre-process.

Note that not all texture formats and sizes are supported for mip map generation and the result might not be satisfactory. For example, it is not possible to compute proper mip maps for pre-compressed formats. Textures should have power of two sizes in order to not appear under-sampled.

Note that generating mip maps might require the texture to be writable. You can transfer the texture into a non-writable resource afterwards to improve performance.

commandBufferThe command buffer used to issue the transition and transfer operations.

◆ pushConstants()

void LiteFX::Rendering::ICommandBuffer::pushConstants ( const IPushConstantsLayout layout,
const void *const  memory 
) const

Pushes a block of memory into the push constants backing memory.

layoutThe layout of the push constants to update.
memoryA pointer to the source memory.

◆ transfer() [1/4]

void LiteFX::Rendering::ICommandBuffer::transfer ( const IBuffer source,
const IBuffer target,
const UInt32 sourceElement = 0,
const UInt32 targetElement = 0,
const UInt32 elements = 1 
) const

Performs a buffer-to-buffer transfer from source to target .

sourceThe source buffer to transfer data from.
targetThe target buffer to transfer data to.
sourceElementThe index of the first element in the source buffer to copy.
targetElementThe index of the first element in the target buffer to copy to.
elementsThe number of elements to copy from the source buffer into the target buffer.
ArgumentOutOfRangeExceptionThrown, if the number of either the source buffer or the target buffer has not enough elements for the specified elements parameter.

◆ transfer() [2/4]

void LiteFX::Rendering::ICommandBuffer::transfer ( const IBuffer source,
const IImage target,
const UInt32 sourceElement = 0,
const UInt32 firstSubresource = 0,
const UInt32 elements = 1 
) const

Performs a buffer-to-image transfer from source to target .

The subresource parameter describes the index of the first sub-resource to copy. Each element gets copied into the subsequent sub-resource, where resources are counted in the following order:

  • Level Contains the mip-map levels.
  • Layer Contains the array slices.
  • Plane Contains planes for multi-planar formats.

E.g., if 6 elements should be copied to an image with 3 mip-map levels and 3 layers, the elements 0-2 contain the mip-map levels of the first layer, while elements 3-5 contain the three mip-map levels of the second layer. The third layer would not receive any data in this example. If the image format has multiple planes, this procedure would be repeated for each plane, however one buffer element only maps to one sub-resource.

sourceThe source buffer to transfer data from.
targetThe target image to transfer data to.
sourceElementThe index of the first element in the source buffer to copy.
firstSubresourceThe index of the first sub-resource of the target image to receive data.
elementsThe number of elements to copy from the source buffer into the target image sub-resources.
ArgumentOutOfRangeExceptionThrown, if the number of either the source buffer or the target buffer has not enough elements for the specified elements parameter.

◆ transfer() [3/4]

void LiteFX::Rendering::ICommandBuffer::transfer ( const IImage source,
const IBuffer target,
const UInt32 firstSubresource = 0,
const UInt32 targetElement = 0,
const UInt32 subresources = 1 
) const

Performs an image-to-buffer transfer from source to target .

The firstSubresource parameter describes the index of the first sub-resource to copy. Each element gets copied into the subsequent sub-resource, where resources are counted in the following order:

  • Level Contains the mip-map levels.
  • Layer Contains the array slices.
  • Plane Contains planes for multi-planar formats.

E.g., if 6 elements should be copied to an image with 3 mip-map levels and 3 layers, the elements 0-2 contain the mip-map levels of the first layer, while elements 3-5 contain the three mip-map levels of the second layer. The third layer would not receive any data in this example. If the image format has multiple planes, this procedure would be repeated for each plane, however one buffer element only maps to one sub-resource.

sourceThe source image to transfer data from.
targetThe target buffer to transfer data to.
firstSubresourceThe index of the first sub-resource to copy from the source image.
targetElementThe index of the first target element to receive data.
subresourcesThe number of sub-resources to copy.
ArgumentOutOfRangeExceptionThrown, if the number of either the source buffer or the target buffer has not enough elements for the specified elements parameter.

◆ transfer() [4/4]

void LiteFX::Rendering::ICommandBuffer::transfer ( const IImage source,
const IImage target,
const UInt32 sourceSubresource = 0,
const UInt32 targetSubresource = 0,
const UInt32 subresources = 1 
) const

Performs an image-to-image transfer from source to target .

sourceThe source image to transfer data from.
targetThe target image to transfer data to.
sourceSubresourceThe index of the first sub-resource to copy from the source image.
targetSubresourceThe image of the first sub-resource in the target image to receive data.
subresourcesThe number of sub-resources to copy between the images.
ArgumentOutOfRangeExceptionThrown, if the number of either the source buffer or the target buffer has not enough elements for the specified elements parameter.

◆ use()

void LiteFX::Rendering::ICommandBuffer::use ( const IPipeline pipeline) const

Sets the active pipeline state.