Computer Graphics Engine
LiteFX::Rendering::IGraphicsFactory Class Referenceabstract

The interface for a graphics factory. More...

#include <rendering_api.hpp>

Inherited by LiteFX::Rendering::GraphicsFactory< DirectX12DescriptorLayout, IDirectX12Buffer, IDirectX12VertexBuffer, IDirectX12IndexBuffer, IDirectX12Image, IDirectX12Sampler >, LiteFX::Rendering::GraphicsFactory< VulkanDescriptorLayout, IVulkanBuffer, IVulkanVertexBuffer, IVulkanIndexBuffer, IVulkanImage, IVulkanSampler >, and LiteFX::Rendering::GraphicsFactory< TDescriptorLayout, TBuffer, TVertexBuffer, TIndexBuffer, TImage, TSampler >.

Public Member Functions

virtual ~IGraphicsFactory () noexcept=default
UniquePtr< IBuffercreateBuffer (const BufferType &type, const BufferUsage &usage, const size_t &elementSize, const UInt32 &elements=1, const bool &allowWrite=false) const
 Creates a buffer of type type . More...
UniquePtr< IBuffercreateBuffer (const String &name, const BufferType &type, const BufferUsage &usage, const size_t &elementSize, const UInt32 &elements=1, const bool &allowWrite=false) const
 Creates a buffer of type type . More...
UniquePtr< IVertexBuffercreateVertexBuffer (const IVertexBufferLayout &layout, const BufferUsage &usage, const UInt32 &elements=1) const
 Creates a vertex buffer, based on the layout More...
UniquePtr< IVertexBuffercreateVertexBuffer (const String &name, const IVertexBufferLayout &layout, const BufferUsage &usage, const UInt32 &elements=1) const
 Creates a vertex buffer, based on the layout More...
UniquePtr< IIndexBuffercreateIndexBuffer (const IIndexBufferLayout &layout, const BufferUsage &usage, const UInt32 &elements) const
 Creates an index buffer, based on the layout . More...
UniquePtr< IIndexBuffercreateIndexBuffer (const String &name, const IIndexBufferLayout &layout, const BufferUsage &usage, const UInt32 &elements) const
 Creates an index buffer, based on the layout . More...
UniquePtr< IImagecreateAttachment (const Format &format, const Size2d &size, const MultiSamplingLevel &samples=MultiSamplingLevel::x1) const
 Creates an image that is used as render target attachment. More...
UniquePtr< IImagecreateAttachment (const String &name, const Format &format, const Size2d &size, const MultiSamplingLevel &samples=MultiSamplingLevel::x1) const
 Creates an image that is used as render target attachment. More...
UniquePtr< IImagecreateTexture (const Format &format, const Size3d &size, const ImageDimensions &dimension=ImageDimensions::DIM_2, const UInt32 &levels=1, const UInt32 &layers=1, const MultiSamplingLevel &samples=MultiSamplingLevel::x1, const bool &allowWrite=false) const
 Creates a texture, based on the layout . More...
UniquePtr< IImagecreateTexture (const String &name, const Format &format, const Size3d &size, const ImageDimensions &dimension=ImageDimensions::DIM_2, const UInt32 &levels=1, const UInt32 &layers=1, const MultiSamplingLevel &samples=MultiSamplingLevel::x1, const bool &allowWrite=false) const
 Creates a texture, based on the layout . More...
Array< UniquePtr< IImage > > createTextures (const UInt32 &elements, const Format &format, const Size3d &size, const ImageDimensions &dimension=ImageDimensions::DIM_2, const UInt32 &layers=1, const UInt32 &levels=1, const MultiSamplingLevel &samples=MultiSamplingLevel::x1, const bool &allowWrite=false) const
 Creates an array of textures, based on the layout . More...
UniquePtr< ISamplercreateSampler (const FilterMode &magFilter=FilterMode::Nearest, const FilterMode &minFilter=FilterMode::Nearest, const BorderMode &borderU=BorderMode::Repeat, const BorderMode &borderV=BorderMode::Repeat, const BorderMode &borderW=BorderMode::Repeat, const MipMapMode &mipMapMode=MipMapMode::Nearest, const Float &mipMapBias=0.f, const Float &maxLod=std::numeric_limits< Float >::max(), const Float &minLod=0.f, const Float &anisotropy=0.f) const
 Creates a texture sampler, based on the layout . More...
UniquePtr< ISamplercreateSampler (const String &name, const FilterMode &magFilter=FilterMode::Nearest, const FilterMode &minFilter=FilterMode::Nearest, const BorderMode &borderU=BorderMode::Repeat, const BorderMode &borderV=BorderMode::Repeat, const BorderMode &borderW=BorderMode::Repeat, const MipMapMode &mipMapMode=MipMapMode::Nearest, const Float &mipMapBias=0.f, const Float &maxLod=std::numeric_limits< Float >::max(), const Float &minLod=0.f, const Float &anisotropy=0.f) const
 Creates a texture sampler, based on the layout . More...
Array< UniquePtr< ISampler > > createSamplers (const UInt32 &elements, const FilterMode &magFilter=FilterMode::Nearest, const FilterMode &minFilter=FilterMode::Nearest, const BorderMode &borderU=BorderMode::Repeat, const BorderMode &borderV=BorderMode::Repeat, const BorderMode &borderW=BorderMode::Repeat, const MipMapMode &mipMapMode=MipMapMode::Nearest, const Float &mipMapBias=0.f, const Float &maxLod=std::numeric_limits< Float >::max(), const Float &minLod=0.f, const Float &anisotropy=0.f) const
 Creates an array of texture samplers, based on the layout . More...

Detailed Description

The interface for a graphics factory.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ~IGraphicsFactory()

virtual LiteFX::Rendering::IGraphicsFactory::~IGraphicsFactory ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ createAttachment() [1/2]

UniquePtr< IImage > LiteFX::Rendering::IGraphicsFactory::createAttachment ( const Format &  format,
const Size2d size,
const MultiSamplingLevel &  samples = MultiSamplingLevel::x1 
) const

Creates an image that is used as render target attachment.

formatThe format of the image.
sizeThe extent of the image.
samplesThe number of samples, the image should be sampled with.
The instance of the attachment image.

◆ createAttachment() [2/2]

UniquePtr< IImage > LiteFX::Rendering::IGraphicsFactory::createAttachment ( const String name,
const Format &  format,
const Size2d size,
const MultiSamplingLevel &  samples = MultiSamplingLevel::x1 
) const

Creates an image that is used as render target attachment.

nameThe name of the image.
formatThe format of the image.
sizeThe extent of the image.
samplesThe number of samples, the image should be sampled with.
The instance of the attachment image.

◆ createBuffer() [1/2]

UniquePtr< IBuffer > LiteFX::Rendering::IGraphicsFactory::createBuffer ( const BufferType &  type,
const BufferUsage &  usage,
const size_t &  elementSize,
const UInt32 elements = 1,
const bool &  allowWrite = false 
) const

Creates a buffer of type type .

typeThe type of the buffer.
usageThe buffer usage.
elementSizeThe size of an element in the buffer (in bytes).
elementsThe number of elements in the buffer (in case the buffer is an array).
allowWriteAllows the resource to be bound to a read/write descriptor.
The instance of the buffer.

◆ createBuffer() [2/2]

UniquePtr< IBuffer > LiteFX::Rendering::IGraphicsFactory::createBuffer ( const String name,
const BufferType &  type,
const BufferUsage &  usage,
const size_t &  elementSize,
const UInt32 elements = 1,
const bool &  allowWrite = false 
) const

Creates a buffer of type type .

nameThe name of the buffer.
typeThe type of the buffer.
usageThe buffer usage.
elementSizeThe size of an element in the buffer (in bytes).
elementsThe number of elements in the buffer (in case the buffer is an array).
allowWriteAllows the resource to be bound to a read/write descriptor.
The instance of the buffer.

◆ createIndexBuffer() [1/2]

UniquePtr< IIndexBuffer > LiteFX::Rendering::IGraphicsFactory::createIndexBuffer ( const IIndexBufferLayout layout,
const BufferUsage &  usage,
const UInt32 elements 
) const

Creates an index buffer, based on the layout .

An index buffer can be used by different RenderPipelines, as long as they share a common input assembler state.

The size of the buffer is computed from the element size index buffer layout, times the number of elements given by the elements parameter.

layoutThe layout of the index buffer.
usageThe buffer usage.
elementsThe number of elements within the vertex buffer (i.e. the number of indices).
The instance of the index buffer.

◆ createIndexBuffer() [2/2]

UniquePtr< IIndexBuffer > LiteFX::Rendering::IGraphicsFactory::createIndexBuffer ( const String name,
const IIndexBufferLayout layout,
const BufferUsage &  usage,
const UInt32 elements 
) const

Creates an index buffer, based on the layout .

An index buffer can be used by different RenderPipelines, as long as they share a common input assembler state.

The size of the buffer is computed from the element size index buffer layout, times the number of elements given by the elements parameter.

nameThe name of the buffer.
layoutThe layout of the index buffer.
usageThe buffer usage.
elementsThe number of elements within the vertex buffer (i.e. the number of indices).
The instance of the index buffer.

◆ createSampler() [1/2]

UniquePtr< ISampler > LiteFX::Rendering::IGraphicsFactory::createSampler ( const FilterMode &  magFilter = FilterMode::Nearest,
const FilterMode &  minFilter = FilterMode::Nearest,
const BorderMode &  borderU = BorderMode::Repeat,
const BorderMode &  borderV = BorderMode::Repeat,
const BorderMode &  borderW = BorderMode::Repeat,
const MipMapMode &  mipMapMode = MipMapMode::Nearest,
const Float mipMapBias = 0.f,
const Float maxLod = std::numeric_limits<Float>::max(),
const Float minLod = 0.f,
const Float anisotropy = 0.f 
) const

Creates a texture sampler, based on the layout .

magFilterThe filter operation used for magnifying.
minFilterThe filter operation used for minifying.
borderUThe border mode along the U-axis.
borderVThe border mode along the V-axis.
borderWThe border mode along the W-axis.
mipMapModeThe mip map mode.
mipMapBiasThe mip map bias.
maxLodThe maximum level of detail value.
minLodThe minimum level of detail value.
anisotropyThe level of anisotropic filtering.
The instance of the sampler.
See also

◆ createSampler() [2/2]

UniquePtr< ISampler > LiteFX::Rendering::IGraphicsFactory::createSampler ( const String name,
const FilterMode &  magFilter = FilterMode::Nearest,
const FilterMode &  minFilter = FilterMode::Nearest,
const BorderMode &  borderU = BorderMode::Repeat,
const BorderMode &  borderV = BorderMode::Repeat,
const BorderMode &  borderW = BorderMode::Repeat,
const MipMapMode &  mipMapMode = MipMapMode::Nearest,
const Float mipMapBias = 0.f,
const Float maxLod = std::numeric_limits<Float>::max(),
const Float minLod = 0.f,
const Float anisotropy = 0.f 
) const

Creates a texture sampler, based on the layout .

nameThe name of the sampler.
magFilterThe filter operation used for magnifying.
minFilterThe filter operation used for minifying.
borderUThe border mode along the U-axis.
borderVThe border mode along the V-axis.
borderWThe border mode along the W-axis.
mipMapModeThe mip map mode.
mipMapBiasThe mip map bias.
maxLodThe maximum level of detail value.
minLodThe minimum level of detail value.
anisotropyThe level of anisotropic filtering.
The instance of the sampler.
See also

◆ createSamplers()

Array< UniquePtr< ISampler > > LiteFX::Rendering::IGraphicsFactory::createSamplers ( const UInt32 elements,
const FilterMode &  magFilter = FilterMode::Nearest,
const FilterMode &  minFilter = FilterMode::Nearest,
const BorderMode &  borderU = BorderMode::Repeat,
const BorderMode &  borderV = BorderMode::Repeat,
const BorderMode &  borderW = BorderMode::Repeat,
const MipMapMode &  mipMapMode = MipMapMode::Nearest,
const Float mipMapBias = 0.f,
const Float maxLod = std::numeric_limits<Float>::max(),
const Float minLod = 0.f,
const Float anisotropy = 0.f 
) const

Creates an array of texture samplers, based on the layout .

elementsThe number of samplers to create.
magFilterThe filter operation used for magnifying.
minFilterThe filter operation used for minifying.
borderUThe border mode along the U-axis.
borderVThe border mode along the V-axis.
borderWThe border mode along the W-axis.
mipMapModeThe mip map mode.
mipMapBiasThe mip map bias.
maxLodThe maximum level of detail value.
minLodThe minimum level of detail value.
anisotropyThe level of anisotropic filtering.
An array of sampler instances.
See also

◆ createTexture() [1/2]

UniquePtr< IImage > LiteFX::Rendering::IGraphicsFactory::createTexture ( const Format &  format,
const Size3d size,
const ImageDimensions &  dimension = ImageDimensions::DIM_2,
const UInt32 levels = 1,
const UInt32 layers = 1,
const MultiSamplingLevel &  samples = MultiSamplingLevel::x1,
const bool &  allowWrite = false 
) const

Creates a texture, based on the layout .

A texture in LiteFX is always backed by GPU-only visible memory and thus can only be transferred to/from. Thus you typically have to create a buffer using createBuffer first that holds the actual image bytes. You than can transfer/copy the contents into the texture.

formatThe format of the texture image.
sizeThe dimensions of the texture.
dimensionThe dimensionality of the texture.
layersThe number of layers (slices) in this texture.
levelsThe number of mip map levels of the texture.
samplesThe number of samples, the texture should be sampled with.
allowWriteAllows the resource to be bound to a read/write descriptor.
The instance of the texture.
See also

◆ createTexture() [2/2]

UniquePtr< IImage > LiteFX::Rendering::IGraphicsFactory::createTexture ( const String name,
const Format &  format,
const Size3d size,
const ImageDimensions &  dimension = ImageDimensions::DIM_2,
const UInt32 levels = 1,
const UInt32 layers = 1,
const MultiSamplingLevel &  samples = MultiSamplingLevel::x1,
const bool &  allowWrite = false 
) const

Creates a texture, based on the layout .

A texture in LiteFX is always backed by GPU-only visible memory and thus can only be transferred to/from. Thus you typically have to create a buffer using createBuffer first that holds the actual image bytes. You than can transfer/copy the contents into the texture.

nameThe name of the texture image.
formatThe format of the texture image.
sizeThe dimensions of the texture.
dimensionThe dimensionality of the texture.
layersThe number of layers (slices) in this texture.
levelsThe number of mip map levels of the texture.
samplesThe number of samples, the texture should be sampled with.
allowWriteAllows the resource to be bound to a read/write descriptor.
The instance of the texture.
See also

◆ createTextures()

Array< UniquePtr< IImage > > LiteFX::Rendering::IGraphicsFactory::createTextures ( const UInt32 elements,
const Format &  format,
const Size3d size,
const ImageDimensions &  dimension = ImageDimensions::DIM_2,
const UInt32 layers = 1,
const UInt32 levels = 1,
const MultiSamplingLevel &  samples = MultiSamplingLevel::x1,
const bool &  allowWrite = false 
) const

Creates an array of textures, based on the layout .

layoutThe layout of the textures.
elementsThe number of textures to create.
formatThe format of the texture images.
sizeThe dimensions of the textures.
layersThe number of layers (slices) in this texture.
levelsThe number of mip map levels of the textures.
samplesThe number of samples, the textures should be sampled with.
allowWriteAllows the resource to be bound to a read/write descriptor.
An array of texture instances.
See also

◆ createVertexBuffer() [1/2]

UniquePtr< IVertexBuffer > LiteFX::Rendering::IGraphicsFactory::createVertexBuffer ( const IVertexBufferLayout layout,
const BufferUsage &  usage,
const UInt32 elements = 1 
) const

Creates a vertex buffer, based on the layout

A vertex buffer can be used by different RenderPipelines, as long as they share a common input assembler state.

The size of the buffer is computed from the element size vertex buffer layout, times the number of elements given by the elements parameter.

layoutThe layout of the vertex buffer.
usageThe buffer usage.
elementsThe number of elements within the vertex buffer (i.e. the number of vertices).
The instance of the vertex buffer.

◆ createVertexBuffer() [2/2]

UniquePtr< IVertexBuffer > LiteFX::Rendering::IGraphicsFactory::createVertexBuffer ( const String name,
const IVertexBufferLayout layout,
const BufferUsage &  usage,
const UInt32 elements = 1 
) const

Creates a vertex buffer, based on the layout

A vertex buffer can be used by different RenderPipelines, as long as they share a common input assembler state.

The size of the buffer is computed from the element size vertex buffer layout, times the number of elements given by the elements parameter.

nameThe name of the buffer.
layoutThe layout of the vertex buffer.
usageThe buffer usage.
elementsThe number of elements within the vertex buffer (i.e. the number of vertices).
The instance of the vertex buffer.