Computer Graphics Engine
LiteFX::Rendering Namespace Reference


namespace  Backends


class  Barrier
 A barrier that transitions a set of resources backed by IDeviceMemory into different ResourceState. More...
class  BufferAttribute
 Stores meta data about a buffer attribute, i.e. a member or field of a descriptor or buffer. More...
class  CommandBuffer
 Represents a command buffer, that buffers commands that should be submitted to a CommandQueue. More...
class  CommandQueue
 Represents a command queue. More...
class  ComputePipeline
 Represents a compute Pipeline. More...
class  DepthStencilState
 Stores the depth/stencil state of a see IRasterizer. More...
class  DescriptorSet
 Defines a set of descriptors. More...
class  DescriptorSetLayout
 Describes the layout of a descriptor set. More...
class  DeviceState
 A class that can be used to manage the state of a IGraphicsDevice. More...
class  FrameBuffer
 Stores the images for the output attachments for a back buffer of a RenderPass, as well as a CommandBuffer instance, that records draw commands. More...
class  GraphicsDevice
 Represents the graphics device that a rendering back-end is doing work on. More...
class  GraphicsFactory
 Describes a factory that creates objects for a GraphicsDevice. More...
class  IBarrier
 The interface for a memory barrier. More...
class  IBuffer
 Base interface for buffer objects. More...
class  IBufferLayout
 Describes a buffer layout. More...
class  ICommandBuffer
 The interface for a command buffer. More...
class  ICommandQueue
 The interface for a command queue. More...
class  IComputePipeline
 The interface for a compute pipeline. More...
class  IDescriptorLayout
 Describes a the layout of a single descriptor within a DescriptorSet. More...
class  IDescriptorSet
 The interface for a descriptor set. More...
class  IDescriptorSetLayout
 The interface for a descriptor set layout. More...
class  IDeviceMemory
 Describes a chunk of device memory. More...
class  IFrameBuffer
 The interface for a frame buffer. More...
class  IGraphicsAdapter
 Represents a physical graphics adapter. More...
class  IGraphicsDevice
 The interface for a graphics device that. More...
class  IGraphicsFactory
 The interface for a graphics factory. More...
class  IImage
 Describes a generic image. More...
class  IIndexBuffer
 The interface for an index buffer. More...
class  IIndexBufferLayout
 Describes a index buffer layout. More...
class  IInputAssembler
 The interface for an input assembler state. More...
class  IInputAttachmentMapping
 Represents a mapping between a set of IRenderTarget instances and the input attachments of a RenderPass. More...
class  IInputAttachmentMappingSource
 Represents the source for an input attachment mapping. More...
class  IMappable
 Allows for data to be mapped into the object. More...
class  IndexBuffer
 Describes an index buffer. More...
class  InputAssembler
 Represents a the input assembler state of a RenderPipeline. More...
class  IPipeline
 The interface for a pipeline. More...
class  IPipelineLayout
 The interface for a pipeline layout. More...
class  IPushConstantsLayout
 The interface for a push constants layout. More...
class  IPushConstantsRange
 Describes a range within a IPushConstantsLayout. More...
class  IRasterizer
 Represents the rasterizer state of a RenderPipeline. More...
class  IRenderBackend
 The interface to access a render backend. More...
class  IRenderPass
 The interface for a render pass. More...
class  IRenderPipeline
 The interface for a render pipeline. More...
class  IRenderTarget
 Represents a render target, i.e. an abstract view of the output of an RenderPass. More...
class  ISampler
 Describes a texture sampler. More...
class  IScissor
 The interface of a scissor. More...
class  IShaderModule
 Represents a single shader module, i.e. a part of a IShaderProgram. More...
class  IShaderProgram
 The interface for a shader program. More...
class  IStateResource
 The interface for a state resource. More...
class  ISurface
 Represents a surface to render to. More...
class  ISwapChain
 Interface for a swap chain. More...
class  IVertexBuffer
 The interface for a vertex buffer. More...
class  IVertexBufferLayout
 Describes a vertex buffer layout. More...
class  IViewport
 Interface for a viewport. More...
class  Pipeline
 Represents a pipeline state. More...
class  PipelineLayout
 Represents a the layout of a RenderPipeline or a ComputePipeline. More...
class  PushConstantsLayout
 Describes the layout of the pipelines push constant ranges. More...
class  Rasterizer
 Implements a IRasterizer. More...
class  RenderBackend
 Defines a back-end, that provides a device instance for a certain surface and graphics adapter. More...
class  RenderPass
 Represents a render pass. More...
class  RenderPipeline
 Represents a graphics Pipeline. More...
class  RenderTarget
 Implements a render target. More...
class  Scissor
 Implements a scissor. More...
class  ShaderProgram
 Represents a shader program, consisting of multiple IShaderModules. More...
class  StateResource
 Base class for a resource that can be identified by a name string within a DeviceState. More...
class  SwapChain
 Represents a swap chain, i.e. a chain of multiple IImage instances, that can be presented to a ISurface. More...
class  VertexBuffer
 Describes a vertex buffer. More...
class  Viewport
 Implements a viewport. More...


UInt32 getBufferFormatChannels (const BufferFormat &format)
 Returns the number of channels for a buffer format. More...
UInt32 getBufferFormatChannelSize (const BufferFormat &format)
 Returns the number of bytes used by a channel of a buffer format. More...
UInt32 getBufferFormatType (const BufferFormat &format)
 Returns the underlying data type of a buffer format. More...
size_t LITEFX_RENDERING_API getSize (const Format &format)
 Returns the size of an element of a specified format. More...
bool LITEFX_RENDERING_API hasDepth (const Format &format)
 Returns true, if the format contains a depth channel. More...
bool LITEFX_RENDERING_API hasStencil (const Format &format)
 Returns true, if the format contains a stencil channel. More...

Function Documentation

◆ getBufferFormatChannels()

UInt32 LiteFX::Rendering::getBufferFormatChannels ( const BufferFormat &  format)

Returns the number of channels for a buffer format.

See also

◆ getBufferFormatChannelSize()

UInt32 LiteFX::Rendering::getBufferFormatChannelSize ( const BufferFormat &  format)

Returns the number of bytes used by a channel of a buffer format.

See also

◆ getBufferFormatType()

UInt32 LiteFX::Rendering::getBufferFormatType ( const BufferFormat &  format)

Returns the underlying data type of a buffer format.

See also

◆ getSize()

size_t LiteFX::Rendering::getSize ( const Format &  format)

Returns the size of an element of a specified format.

◆ hasDepth()

bool LiteFX::Rendering::hasDepth ( const Format &  format)

Returns true, if the format contains a depth channel.

See also

◆ hasStencil()

bool LiteFX::Rendering::hasStencil ( const Format &  format)

Returns true, if the format contains a stencil channel.

See also


LiteFX::Rendering::LITEFX_DEFINE_FLAGS ( BufferFormat  )


LiteFX::Rendering::LITEFX_DEFINE_FLAGS ( QueueType  )


LiteFX::Rendering::LITEFX_DEFINE_FLAGS ( ShaderStage  )


LiteFX::Rendering::LITEFX_DEFINE_FLAGS ( WriteMask  )